Sunday, July 8, 2012


hello!hey!hi!hola! ~` *kekekekk~,  its been so long did not blogging. <oh no no..not that long> tehee. sooooo...... how is everyone going ? :D 
well, im sooooooooo fuckin damn hungry this time. and oh i got a hotdog actually.. i'll let you see how delicious its looks ;)
well, hereee --> 
see ? how? im not lying rite ? its REALLY hotDOG ;). should i eat this ? ;o tehee

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

who has twitter ?? :D follow my new twitter^^ want a followback ? just mention me ;) tehee!/corney26

Skyping II

and this one, when im skying with one of my shuqun's friend. ^^

Skyping !

oh i miss skyping with her xDD, its been so long o~ , she's so great at playing guitar! till i get stunned ><, kkkk ^____^

To my future husband and My future kids

To My Future Husband , i do apologize in advance if i can't be a perfect wife to you. but i'll make sure that no one will ever love you more than i do. i'll stays faithful with you and i'll always be with you no matter what happen. and no matter how hard any problem may afflict us, don't ever let crossed on your mind to decide to end the household relationships we have build. im sure we can get trough all the problem, as long as we holds our each other hand. we'll face all together. :) and the last, i hope you're the first, and the last husband for the rest of my life. :) Iloveyou..

To My Future Kids.. , you're going to have the coolest parents of all time. 8-| HAHA , Just kidding baby :*, hm..before i even plan to have you, i will make sure i finish college, have a comfort house for us, and get a good job. therefore, there will be no struggle. :), if you're a girl, be sure to act classy, but not trashy. &if youre a dude, treat all girls the way you want me to be treated ^^,  I want the best for you. I will mess up, but I will do my best to lead you. dont be missunderstanding if i mad at you, i dont mean anything rather than to  just want you be better person than mom.., and.. I know what it's like to have an unsupportive family. So as long as it lines up w/God's word, I WILL encourage your dreams. I'll always be there for you no matter speak, to listen, to share with.., to be your best friend , my arms are always open, and I will ALWAYS be here to help and take care of you.  I promise your life will be better than mine,you will not have to struggle. Mommie got you sweety. Both parents will be in your life, Daddy won't leave, Mommy won't leave, I promise <3 I really love you..